
Thursday 7 March 2024

Cadet Reunion - Thursday 5th September 2024

Cadet Reunion  - Thursday 5th September 2024

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Cadet intake of 1974, so a few if us have got together to organise a reunion. 

We are meeting at the Garden House (Cartologist), Durham from 6.30pm onward on Thursday 5th September and would love any ex-cadets, from ANY year, to join us and celebrate. All are welcome from any intake year.

Garden House - the premises have been renamed "The Cartologist" and are being renovated but will be completed by September. The management have asked that we give them some idea of numbers, so could you drop me a line if you are planning to come along. 

Parking - the pub has limited parking but restrictions on the streets, both front and back, end at 6pm. So there's plenty of parking on the night. 

Food - will be available to order from the pub menu on the night.

If you intend to go to the reunion please could you email:     

Please could you provide the intake/ year you joined and which house you were in (Finlay, Bede, Hardwick, Lambton ,Neville. Your details will be forwarded to the organizer's.

The years are rolling by very quickly these days and it will be great to meet up again and reminisce from our time at Aykley Heads (as were no longer 16-19yrs   :-)  ) and catch up on what we've all been doing these past 50+yrs.