
Wednesday 3 January 2024

“LET’S BRIGHTEN UP JANUARY” - Seaham and Peterlee Police Reunion

Christmas has passed, we're well into the New Year and as always, January is a glum month.

But not in Seaham.

We are delighted to announce another get together for retired Police Officers ,Support Staff and partners.

It will take place upstairs at The Marlborough, Charles Street, Seaham commencing at 3.00pm on Saturday, 13th January, 2024.

I’ve checked the calendar and Sunderland are away to Ipswich, 5.30pm kick off and Mags are home to Man City, also 5.30 kick off. There's a big telly upstairs, I wonder which match will be on? (It’ll be Sunderland)
This is an open invitation to all who served, worked or covered Seaham and Peterlee Sub-Divisions (even Traffic!).
If you have any queries, will you kindly contact Joyce Teare either by SMS to 07747814879, or email to
If you can think of anyone else who may not read this then please pass on the message via word of mouth, FB, Twitter, Whats App or text.
For information, the bar is cash only, no cards or contactless.
We look forward to welcoming you on the 13th January.

Paul Murphy