
Saturday 24 December 2022

Chairman’s Christmas Greetings

May I take this opportunity, as we near the end of yet another year, to wish our Branch Officers, Committee and our entire membership a Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year.

I know that sadly some of you have suffered recent bereavements and others are dealing with personal and family ill-health; please take some sympathy, empathy and caring thoughts from your Durham Branch Family.  Please let us know if either you or someone from our Policing Family are in need of assistance and we will try and help and guide you, either ourselves or through third-party organisations.

We are all being hit with the increasing cost of living, prices for food and energy only seem to be going in one direction.  Please look after yourselves and each other and make sure that you keep warm and fed, even if this means looking slightly at our lifestyle.

I am sure that those who have close families, children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will seek pleasure seeing or speaking to them at this festive time of the year.

Whatever your faith or belief I reiterate to you, with no intention to offend anyone, please have a Very Merry Christmas.

With sincere best wishes

Ray Jones