
Friday 18 March 2022

CG Reunion Lunch. (Chester le Street)

You are cordially invited to the above function which is being held on Thursday,7th April, 2022. 12 noon for 1pm. Cost £17.50 at Durham Indoor Bowling Club, Pity Me.
Seating, unless otherwise advised, will be based on the format of previous events.
A response is necessary to remain on mailing list.
Donations to support raffle most welcome.

Menu:- Veg. Soup/ Melon:: Beef/Chicken/Mediterranean Tart:: Apple Pie/Gateaux::
(Delete not required).

Please return menu choice with cheque(Payable to CG Fund) to 26 Edlingham Road , Durham, DH1 5YS. By Thursday, 24th March. (Tel. 01913840505).
Alternatively via on line banking. Sort Code 30:92:79. Acc. No 55490960 using surname as reference and advise us of menu choice.
There can be no refunds after Thursday, 31st March.