You are cordially invited to the above function which is being held on Thursday,7th April, 2022. 12 noon for 1pm. Cost £17.50 at Durham Indoor Bowling Club, Pity Me.
Seating, unless otherwise advised, will be based on the format of previous events.
A response is necessary to remain on mailing list.
Donations to support raffle most welcome.
Menu:- Veg. Soup/ Melon:: Beef/Chicken/Mediterranean Tart:: Apple Pie/Gateaux::
(Delete not required).
Please return menu choice with cheque(Payable to CG Fund) to 26 Edlingham Road , Durham, DH1 5YS. By Thursday, 24th March. (Tel. 01913840505).
Alternatively via on line banking. Sort Code 30:92:79. Acc. No 55490960 using surname as reference and advise us of menu choice.
There can be no refunds after Thursday, 31st March.