
Wednesday 1 December 2021

Durham Peeler : Winter 2021

Last year the Durham Peeler was not published due to problems with printers etc due to Covid. 

An A5 newsletter was published and circulated to members last November.

Ray Jones (Durham NARPO chairman) has took over the role of Editor of the magazine from the founder of the Peeler, Alan Watson and has put together a Winter 2021 edition of the magazine which will be distributed to members in the near future.

If you cannot wait for copy of the Peeler to drop through your letterbox (together with your 2022 diary & pen) then you can view the magazine, in all it's glory, online by clicking on the image.

Ray is always looking for interesting articles for the magazine so please get in touch with him if you have anything you can share

If anyone is able to help hand deliver any of the magazines to fellow NARPO members in their area would they please contact Ray Jones (Durham NARPO chairman) ASAP.

Ray is available on : 07535 261063 or via email :