
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Christmas Greeting From The Chairman

As we near the end of a year that has seen the entire global population affected, to varying degrees,
by the pandemic virus Covid-19, we also near Christmas and the start of a New Year.
I am sure that the majority of us have heard of someone who has contracted this virus, with some not surviving its devastating effects. Let’s hope and pray that the introduction of the vaccination program provides a prompt stabilisation and reduction in infections, in the not too-distant future.
Whilst Christmas lock-down restrictions have changed a number of times recently due to the increase in infections, let us all abide by the governmental advice and stay safe and well during this very different festive season.
May I take this opportunity to wish all Durham NARPO Officers, Committee and Members, together with prospective members, a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthier New Year.
Raymond T Jones