
Tuesday 16 June 2020

Information needed

Qatar Officers trained at Durham in the 80's
Russ Robson is presently working in Qatar on a security project in relation to the 2022 World Cup.
Russ is attending a meeting in Qatar  this week with a person who's father was a Qatar police officer who was trained at Durham in the 1980's.
If anybody has any photos or info from when the Qatar officers were at Durham please can you email :

Det Sgt Dennis Scaife   (d.o.b. 25/08/1925)
Andy Scaife is looking for any history or photos of his Dad – Dennis Scaife
Dennis was stationed at Spennymoor CID for many years as a DC, then Aykley Heads on fraud squad as a DS followed by light duties post illness, as chemist shops inspector, still holding the rank of DS.
Dennis retired late 1970s (mid 77?) and deceased Good Friday 1986.
If anybody can help with any info, photos or stories,  please email Andy at :