
Saturday 9 May 2020

Durham NARPO Branch - information on planned events

Durham NARPO Branch Meetings

Although stating the obvious, due to the current position with regard to the Covid-19 restrictions, the Branch Meeting due to be held at Bishop Auckland Hospital Club on Monday 11th May 2020 is cancelled.  It may well be that we may also have to review the July meeting, again due to be held at Bishop Auckland.

The Prince Bishop river cruise that was to be considered in June 2020 has also, at this point, been postponed.  This will be reviewed as and when circumstances permit.

The Summer 2020 edition of the Durham Peeler is currently postponed and depending upon changes that would allow us to progress this we may, at present, have to dispense with the Summer edition all together and resume publication once facilities allow.

Annual Luncheon

Obviously we are not, at present, in a position to say whether or not we will be able to hold our luncheon in October.  There are a number of factors beyond our control, which will determine our final decision.  It would be great to think that some normality resumed, which would allow our annual gathering to proceed; please do not hold your breath for such news.

Advice and Assistance

Please keep up to date via the Durham NARPO website, stay safe and feel free to contact us if you have any issues that you feel we may be able to assist with.