
Friday 10 March 2017

HQ Traffic–Informal Reunion

Government Inspection Durham Constabulary H.Q. 1974 (Traffic Patrols North)Fred Purser; Norman Lee; Derek Sayers; Jack Blair; George Robson; ?; Ken Garbutt; John Curry; ? ; Ian Irwin; ?; Jack Fidiam;? ; ? ; Fred English; Norman Davison; Bill Bramfitt; Eric Brown; ?; Eddie Stangroom; Duncan Adamson; Gordon Balderstone; John Knaggs; Bill Sanderson; ?;  Chris Dryden; Trevor Morgan; Geoff Carlon; Kenny James; Ronnie Tarn; Dick Hunter.

When Jim Holmes & John Bell mooted the idea of an impromptu ex traffic reunion they had no idea how many would respond but thought it would be a deemed a success if maybe 10-12 former colleagues turned up for a coffee and a chat at the Tea Barn at Pity Me - something to build on.
Amazingly, 36 former colleagues walked through the doors and it was wonderful to renew old friendships and chew over old times.
All agreed it was something they should continue with so the next meet will be on Wednesday, 10th May at the Spectrum Leisure Centre,Hunwick Lane, Willington DL15 0JA, where there will be exclusive use of a room with refreshments being available, thanks to Ian Hirst.
Put this date in your diary and bring along any memorabilia (photos etc) to share.'

Attendees at the Tea Barn 9.3.17 :
Paul Hardman, Bill Lister, Mick Adamson, Dick Hunter, Jack Fidiam, Colin Appleby, Phil Hill, Colin Nixon, Dave Heath, Alan Watson, Alan Craig, Brian Jones, Dave Appleby, Dave Surtees, Ray Bradley, Malcolm Hall, Alan Flannery, Terry Ditchburn, Paul Nevin, Alan Hutchinson, Bob Gadd, Mick Kipling, Dave Hogg, Ian Knight, Jim Muter, Ian Hirst, Ray Jones, Bert Forrester, Tony Stainthorpe, John Snowball, Clive Brown, Trevor Trott, Brian Cummings, Bob Brown, John Bell, Jim Holmes.