For some time now John Bell (ex PC494) and Jim Holmes (ex Sgt 504) have been pondering over the idea of organising some sort of re-union for ex Traffic Officers - especially those who served in the Traffic Department between 1970 - 2000.
The Traffic Department came in many guises - Traffic North & South, HQ UOD, Motor Patrols Sections 1, 2 & 3, Traffic Operations etc - a rose by any other name for driving police vehicles!
In the first instance their will be an informal meeting on the second Thursday of each month initially at the Tea Barn Cafe at Pity Me Nursery (DH1 5DE) which is just off the roundabout at Pity Me on the A.167.
The idea being that people go there in the morning from 10.30am onwards, grab a coffee and see who turns up for a chinwag.
This will be done two or three times in the hope it will catch on.
Depending on interest and numbers something can then be organised something more formally.
The first date for this informal re-union will be on Thursday 9th March at the Tea Barn Cafe, Pity Me.
If anyone wishes to contact Jim or John for further details please send an email to : & we will forward you their contact details