
Monday 2 February 2015

1st Refresher Course at Plawsworth : 1951

1st Refresher at Plawsworth 1951

Back Row – L to R : 2nd - Ray Thompson, 6th - Ray Kirtley & last Norman Davison

Front Row – L to R : 1st - Eric Best, 3rd Norman Simpson (or Ken Elliott)

The picture was provided by the late Eric Best’s daughter Elizabeth Best.

We have subsequently been contacted by Ian Raine (Retired Senior Sergeant, Queensland Police) to say that the constable in the back row, 5th from the right is his father, Raymond Haw Raine who was a detective at Stockton and Newton Aycliffe before he emigrated to Queensland, Australia in 1965. He died in Bundaberg, Queensland in November 2012.

