
Saturday 17 May 2014

DogWise 2014 - Sunday 18th May 2014

Dog Wise 2014 Poster (port)

This year our DogWise event will be held at East Durham College Houghall Campus on Sunday 18th May 2014 from 10am – 4pm



*NB - Parking is limited so there will be a charge of £5 per car you wish to park on the campus grounds.

Dogs are of course welcome but must be kept on a lead at all times.

A brief timetable of events is as follows -
All timings are approximate

10.00 - Event open

10.20 - Opening address from Chief Constable Barton

10.30 - Durham Police Dogs display
11.15 - PawsUp address by Patron Mike Pannett
11.20 - Public agility. A chance for the public to have a go at our agility course under the guidance of one of our instructors... Just for fun
12.00 - K9 Pusuits display. See Gill and Andi strut their stuff and work their amazing dogs 'Tilly' and 'Goose' to music. As recently seen at Crufts !!
12.50 - Display by 'Scrappy' the Fire Brigade dog and his handler Lee Asprey
13.30 - Husky Rescue display
14.00 - TBC
14.30 - Durham Police Dogs display .. a second chance to see us make fools of ourselves !
15.30 - Public Agility
16.00 - Finish