
Saturday 26 April 2014

Those were the days…. Durham Market Place 1960

Durham Market Place as it used to be.

P.C. Bob Bell Durham Market Place 1950
PC Bob Bell, Durham Market Place about 1950 ?
Dick Collinson 1940. Note tin helmet
Dick Collinson : about 1940 (Note tin helmet)

Pc 859 'Jim' Best taken approx 1945/46 when he was posted in Durham and living in the barracks in Durham City Police office
The Police Traffic Control Box in the Market Place in Durham City.
Notice the step halfway up the box, which officers used, to use to climb into the box as it had no door.
This was later changed as it was deemed undignified for an officer, particularly a WPC,  to climb in & out of the box
(Click on the images to view in the gallery)
Video courtesy of
And…. as it was in 1944