
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Two from Traffic South

Picture10 M10

Two pictures that turned up via FaceBook and came to our attention..

Ford Granada : NGR71T – Alpha Red 44 out of Spennymoor

Picture shows Bob Brown on crewmate Martin Hall’s drive at Spennymoor. The opposite crew of Martin & Bob were Keith Maddison & Brian Stabler, who are sadly no longer with us.

Ford Escort XR3i  : A278BJR– Mike 10 out of Darlington

Crewed by Ian Bestford & John Laidlaw & ???

Another XR3i, A277BJR was based at Peterlee, call sign possibly AR47 and crewed by Barry Cowie & Ken Arthur / Mal Thomas & Neil Walton

Who’s on the police bike and where was this taken ??