
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Life Savers : 1964/65

Winners of the regional life saving championship. From left to right: Bill Brennan is just visible,Jim McKenna,a slim me,Ray Johnson, Ted Roberts (instructor),Bill Lippit, and Ian Hilton with hair. I think year was 1964/5. We were entered as Durham County Cadets. Caused a bit of a stir as we beat regular force team

Neville House Life Saving Team, winners of the cadet life saving competition. . From left to right: Bill Brennan is just visible, Jim McKenna, Geoff Perry, Ray Johnson, Ted Roberts (instructor), Bill Lippit, and Ian Hilton. Believed to be 1964/5. A team picked from all the cadet school was subsequently entered as Durham County Cadets and won the Regional Life Saving Championship, this caused a bit of a stir as they beat regular force teams. The cadet team eventually competed in the national finals in London.