
Friday 22 March 2013



This message has been sent from NARPO Head Office :

Hi All,

I would be grateful if you would circulate the below to your members:


As you are aware a large number of retired Police Officers were recruited by G4S to work in the lead up to and during the London Olympics.

Many of our members went through recruitment processes, vetting, accreditation and training stages but never received an offer of employment at the end of it and unfortunately Linder Myers Solicitors have informed us that those in that category will have no reasonable grounds to pursue a breach of contract claim against G4S.

However if you did receive a formal offer of employment from G4S which they accepted and then were let down with no actual employment forthcoming from them then you may have a claim against G4S for Breach of contract.

Should you fit into this category then please contact; Latham Parry at Linder Myers Solicitors on 0844 984 6448 or who will be pleased to consider individual/or a collective case should there be two or more claimants who come forward.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Dog Section : 1972

Annual photo 1972. <br />L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng Annual photo 1972. <br />L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng

L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng

You can see more of the Police Dogs and in particular PC Bill Leng & PD Major by visiting the Dog Section’s new Paws Up website which is a Benevolent Fund for retired Durham Police Dogs.

You can read all about it at and can even help raise funds for the fund whilst shopping online by clicking on their EasyFundraising link

Life Savers : 1964/65

Winners of the regional life saving championship. From left to right: Bill Brennan is just visible,Jim McKenna,a slim me,Ray Johnson, Ted Roberts (instructor),Bill Lippit, and Ian Hilton with hair. I think year was 1964/5. We were entered as Durham County Cadets. Caused a bit of a stir as we beat regular force team

Neville House Life Saving Team, winners of the cadet life saving competition. . From left to right: Bill Brennan is just visible, Jim McKenna, Geoff Perry, Ray Johnson, Ted Roberts (instructor), Bill Lippit, and Ian Hilton. Believed to be 1964/5. A team picked from all the cadet school was subsequently entered as Durham County Cadets and won the Regional Life Saving Championship, this caused a bit of a stir as they beat regular force teams. The cadet team eventually competed in the national finals in London.

Monday 18 March 2013

Death of retired Police Officer : PC 832 Charles Valentine Hedley

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Police Officer : PC 832 Charles Valentine Hedley, who died on the 4th March 2013 aged 87 years.

Charles retired from Durham Constabulary in August 1981.

The funeral will be taking place at Wear Valley Crematorium on the 25th March at 14:45, the service is not private.

Donations have been requested in lieu of flowers to the British Heart Foundation, cheques can be made payable to British Heart Foundation and can be forwarded to BHF Customer Service Centre, Lydon Place, 2096 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3YU.

Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

Death of a retired Police Officer : Inspector Leslie Matthews

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Police Inspector Leslie Matthews, who died on 5th March 2013 aged 82 years.

He retired from Durham Constabulary on 19th October 1981.

He leaves a widow, Dorothy and a son Michael.

The funeral will take place at Darlington Crematorium on Monday 18th March 2013 at 2.45pm. This service is not private.

Donations have been requested in lieu of flowers to Friends of Darlington Memorial Hospital.

Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

Saturday 16 March 2013

AGM of Durham NARPO – Monday 18th March

Date for your Diary…….
Monday 18th March at 1930hrs
The Annual General Meeting of Durham NARPO, with guest speakers from Force Executive and Federation.
All members welcome to attend and participate
Ideal time to meet your old colleagues and friends.
(Please put the date in your diary and see if you can attend, meet your committee and see the hard work they are doing for you)
The meeting will be held at the Durham Indoor Bowling Centre, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5GE

View Durham Indoor Bowling Club in a larger map

Friday 8 March 2013

Cadet Training 1973 : Girl Cadet Hockey Team

Girl Cadets Hockey Team 1973

Girl Cadets Hockey Team, 1973, picture taken at Police HQ, Aykley Heads…

Where are they all now ??  Click on the picture to view it at a larger size in the photo gallery

Picture kindly supplied by Carol (Potts) & Tim Moore

The Police Treatment Centres Lottery

Every year it costs approximately £4m to run both of the Treatment Centres and with the falling numbers of serving officers, we find our donations going down accordingly and we must find new ways of raising money.  In order to raise more funds for our highly valued service we are starting our own lottery.
As a Retired Officer you may well have paid into The Police Treatment Centre all of your working life and are now entitled to free treatment at either of our Centres, which I do hope you take advantage of if you need our help.
We would very much appreciate your help in getting the lottery off the ground and wondered if you would be kind enough to help promote the lottery within your NARPO branch and indeed to anyone who would like to purchase a ticket?
The lottery is open to absolutely anyone to buy a ticket.  Tickets cost £1 each and will be drawn monthly with a first prize of £1000 with other cash prizes.
We are currently in the process of producing a lottery leaflet for promotional purposes as well as ensuring that the lottery entry form can be downloaded from our website.  The entry form will be part of the lottery leaflet and can be posted to our lottery organizer for entry.
We would be so grateful if you could help in any way promote the lottery by telling people in your branch and asking them if they would like to buy a ticket.
If you do feel able to help us, could you let me know and I will arrange to have some leaflets sent to you.
My contact details are below :
Amanda Carter
PR & Fundraising Manager
The Police Treatment Centres
01423 504 448

Saturday 2 March 2013

Calling all Dog Section (K9)


Dear all,

I’m in the process of setting up a benevolent fund for our retired Durham Police dogs.
Part of this has involved launching a web site specifically for the fund and also covering aspects of the unit past and present, enabling some of its history to start being recorded too.

If you can (and would like to) help, .. I’m after any pictures / stories / articles of your ex serving dogs to put on the site.
A bit of history would help too – ie, when the dog served, how old when started / finished, gift dog or force bred, capabilities, DOB, etc etc….

Please have a look at the site at –  but bear in mind it’s still a ‘work in progress’ and is not the finished article yet.
The fund is to be called ‘PAWS UP’ and will be launched properly May / June this year.

Give me a shout if you want any more information on 07867993077 or any email correspondence via

Hoping you can assist ..

Many thanks

Ian Squire
Dog Support Unit

Please add Durham NARPO ( to your contacts list

We have had a couple of queries from people on the notification list to the effect that they have not been receiving emails recently.

The emails are being sent out as normal and we have had none returned to us as undeliverable so we can only presume that they are getting caught up in your providers Spam Filter.

Please add Durham NARPO to your contacts list, with the email address of and check your Spam Filter to make sure there are no emails in the Spam Box. If they have gone in there mark them as NOT Spam.

This is the advice that Google give to users :

Legitimate mail is marked as spam

If you find a message wrongly classified as spam, you can unmark the message. Just select the message, and click the Not Spam button that appears at the top and bottom of your current view. Unmarking a message will automatically move it to your inbox.

If you find that some senders' messages are consistently being mislabeled as spam, you can prevent this by:

  • Adding their email addresses to your Contacts list. Gmail will deliver messages from members of your Contacts list to your inbox, unless we know with high confidence that they are spam.
    • Some messages sent from contacts which are very clearly spam can be sent directly to your Spam label. More importantly, in some cases messages from contacts will not be sent to Spam but will be marked with a red warning banner if the content is suspicious - for example, your friend's or contact's account has been compromised and used to send phishing messages.
  • Creating a filter so the messages are never sent to Spam.

If you have not received any of the recent notifications, please drop us an email to and we will send you a test email