
Saturday 22 December 2012

Happy Christmas from Durham NARPO

AW Happy Christmas
All our Viewers
Hi there folks, Christmas 2012 starts here, where we do hope that you will have a smile on your face and have happy memories that we have tried to share with you through our Durham NARPO webpages.

To paraphrase and old saying (with a Christmas tilt) “From little pine cones, big pine trees grow”. In January, 2010 a certain Bob Brown set up the NARPO webpages for all colleagues past and present to share. It has been my privilege to be the NARPO Durham Branch Chairman, “fronting” this magnificent information vehicle.
From modest beginnings, we now have a first class information service, PDFs  of the Durham Peeler Magazine and the Copper Plate,  Durham Constabulary’s newspaper.
To make sure everything is “bang up to date” we provide you with a current diary, a series of photo galleries, plus readers’ contributions and comments. All we ask of you is to continue to support our venture. Please forward photographs and articles of interest to your colleagues – essential fuel to keep the blog “red hot”. We always return you valuable photographs almost by return of post.
Doing a statistics count of the 2 years and 11 months that the website has been “live”, we have had a massive 111,800 page views. 
On average we have around 150 to 200 people viewing each day – a figure that rockets when the next : Durham Peeler or Copper Plate pdf’s are published.
We have 202 people on the email list (some of those are from overseas ex pats & retirees) whilst others are not NARPO members, just interested in our activities. We thank them all for their support BUT we do ask you to spread the word, broadcast our web page and see if we can’t attract a lot more of our ex colleagues to forward their email address to us.” It’s good to talk” as Bob Hoskins said in the BT advert.
Keep healthy and stay in touch. We sincerely wish you, one and all a very happy healthy and successful New Year
Alan S. Watson
NARPO Branch Chairman
21stDecember 2012