
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Letter to NARPO members from Ron Hogg

Ron HoggDear Colleague’s,
It was with a great sense of personal regret that I retired from the Police Service, just over 4 years ago, after 30 years service. It is an emotion that, I know, each of you will be familiar with.
However, I have been provided with the opportunity to once more serve our communities in the role of Police and Crime Commissioner. I have been selected as the Labour Party Candidate for Durham Constabulary. I find the opportunity of being associated once more with the Constabulary truly exciting and I hope that I can persuade you to support me by voting on 15th November.
These are difficult times for the service and I believe that the Commissioner needs a clear understanding of policing and working with communities if they are to be successful.
I attach for your information a brief statement of my commitments and hope that you will choose to support my nomination.
With very best wishes,
Ron Hogg

Election Address – Ron Hogg

As your Police and Crime Commissioner I promise to listen to your needs, seek out the concerns of all and tackle them. I will hold the Service to account on your behalf.
I will resist and make clear the impact of the Government cuts which have already cost 140 officers and 200 police staff.
I will ensure that we maintain neighbourhood policing at current levels and maintain a mix of police officers and PCSOs. We will deliver local policing, working with local people to deliver local solutions.

I will resist the drive for privatisation of your police service, ensuring that policing remains for people and not for profit. In this regard I will seek to develop imaginative solutions to ensure that public services continue to be delivered by public sector employees.
I will work tirelessly to protect all members of our community, but especially the weak and the vulnerable. I will work with the victims and witnesses to crime so that we can improve our service to them. I will tackle domestic violence which makes up one third of all violent crime. I shall ensure that through me our communities have a voice.
I will address known concerns such as anti-social behaviour and drug and alcohol related problems, and work with the Police and partners to ensure a coordinated response in tackling and reducing crime.
In short I promise to work with you and to work for you. I have 30 years policing experience working at the highest levels and I know that I can make a difference.