
Wednesday 29 February 2012

RPI to CPI : E-Petition update

On the 9th September 2011 we posted an article in relation to an E-Petition in relation the the RPI to CPI change :

The e-petition 'Public & Private Pension Increases - change from RPI to CPI' has recently reached 109,392 signatures and a response has been made to it.

“This e-petition has reached 100,000 signatures. The Government has notified the Backbench Business Committee in the House of Commons who will consider its suitability for debate when Parliament returns in September. This e-petition will remain live, and people will be able to continue adding their signatures. The Backbench Business Committee have announced that a debate relating to this e-petition will take place on Thursday 1 March 2012 in the Chamber of the House of Commons. Further information about the debate, and on the workings of the Backbench Business Committee, can be found on the Committee's website at The Government will post a further response to this petition following the debate.”

View the response to the e-petition