
Sunday 26 February 2012

Cadet Training School 1973–Bede House

Bede House - 1973

Many Thanks to Dick Barton of Northumbria for forwarding this picture from his Cadet Training days in Durham in the early 70’s.

The Five Cadet houses were made up of cadets from Durham, Northumbria, Cleveland, North Yorkshire & also some Junior Firemen.

Sgt Ray Clish & PC Alan Goad were in charge of Bede House and the Commandant of the the Cadets was Supt Ray Basham who had just replaced Supt Hugh Blenkin

Back Row - Bob Brown (Durham), John Davies (Cleveland), John Herron (Durham), Ian Snowball (Northumbria), Alan Ashman (Durham), Colin Pearson (Durham), Jeff Willis (Durham), Ian Sharp (Northumbria).

Middle Row - Harry Smith (Durham), Dave Collier (Cleveland), Dick Barton (Northumbria), Ian Bestford (Durham), Steve King (Northumbria), Jim Rowntree (Northumbria), Mick Forbes (Fire Brigade), Ian Aitchison (Durham)

Front Row - Mick Perks (Durham), Chris Catnach (Northumbria), PC Alan Goad (Durham), Sgt Ray Clish (Durham), Supt. Ray Basham (Durham), Harry Stephenson (Durham), Dickie Jane (Northumbria), Gordon Roberts (Northumbria), John Proud (North Yorks)