
Friday 27 January 2012

Automatic Renewal of AXA Travel Insurance

This correspondence was received from NARPO Head Office and relates to members with AXA Travel Insurance obtained through NARPO
”Dear Colleague,
We will shortly be coming up to the renewal date for the above (1st May) and in an attempt to try and by-pass some of the problems we had at last automatic renewal I would ask if possible that you would consider including something in your next branch newsletter or however you communicate to your branch members.

This is a 2 fold exercise.

Firstly : It reminds those members not wishing to renew to cancel their Direct Debit Instruction with their bank, but they also need to inform this office (Alan Dockerty on 01924.331256) – if they do not follow this through the money will be automatically taken from the member on the 17th May and policy documents issued by AXA,

Secondly : Any member expecting to automatically renew needs to receive:

  • A letter from this office which will confirm the new rate (this should be received early April)
  • A new policy document from AXA (probably to be received around mid to late April

Without receipt of these two documents they are quite simply not on the automatic renew data file and they will not be covered for travel insurance, we had some members last year travelling abroad thinking they had been automatically renewed but had not received either of these documents – they were not covered.

Reminding members now, might just save problems as above but might also save the office time issuing refunds if they didn’t mean to stay in the scheme.
For information the new rates from 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013 will be:
Single £120.00
Joint £165.00 (Includes single parent)
Family £175.00

The prices include the NARPO administration fee.”