
Sunday 18 December 2011

RPI/CPI Appeal decision

Click Here to view or download the documentMany Thanks to Ray Dinning for forwarding us information in relation to the Federation JBB Appeal against the adoption of CPI instead of the RPI

In short, the Appeal has been ‘kicked out’ and the reasons given by the Judges are shown in the document – albeit one judge did actually support the motion, but this was a minority view.

If you want to read the JBB Circular 031/2011 then click on the image and then either view or download the document.

On Tuesday, 7th December 2011, Steve Webb MP, the Minister of State for Work and Pensions, made a statement in Parliament confirming that it was the Government’s intention to increase the second state pension and thus as a consequence public sector pensions including police pensions, where appropriate, by the September 2011 Consumer Price Index figure of 5.2%, which will be applied to our pensions in April 2012.