
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Cadet Training School–Hardwick House–1973 & 1972

Two more from the Murphy ‘locker’.
Hardwick House 1972<br />Back Row      Dave Armstrong (N’bria) Brian Rowley (N’bria) Geoff Rumford (Dur) Chris Hodgson (Dur) Lenny Graydon (N’bria) Stuart Johnson (Dur) Brian O’Neill (N’bria) Paul Murphy (Dur) Stuart Brown (Dur) Gary Bulman (N’bria)<br />Middle Row:  Brian Scott (Dur) John Bianchi (Dur) Dave Smith (Dur) George Walker (Dur) Bill Crosby (Dur) Jim Thompson (Dur) Brent Howard (N’bria) Mike Connolly (N’bria) Anton Nichol (York & Yorks NE) Tony Garton (Hull) Frank Whittle (Dur) Keith Poulton (Dur)<br />Front Row: Gary Phillips (Dur) Dave Vickers (Dur) John Bassett (Dur) George Hickman (Dur) Sgt PJ Smith (York & Yorks NE) Supt Hugh Blenkin (Dur) PC Ronnie Lambert (Dur) Alec Francis (Dur) Alf Bowman (Dur) Ronnie Bright (Dur) Richard Hamshaw (York & Yorks NE)
Hardwick House 1972
Back Row :  Dave Armstrong (N’bria) Brian Rowley (N’bria) Geoff Rumford (Dur) Chris Hodgson (Dur) Lenny Graydon (N’bria) Stuart Johnson (Dur) Brian O’Neill (N’bria) Paul Murphy (Dur) Stuart Brown (Dur) Gary Bulman (N’bria)

Middle Row:  Brian Scott (Dur) John Bianchi (Dur) Dave Smith (Dur) George Walker (Dur) Bill Crosby (Dur) Jim Thompson (Dur) Brent Howard (N’bria) Mike Connolly (N’bria) Anton Nichol (York & Yorks NE) Tony Garton (Hull) Frank Whittle (Dur) Keith Poulton (Dur)
Front Row: Gary Phillips (Dur) Dave Vickers (Dur) John Bassett (Dur) George Hickman (Dur) Sgt PJ Smith (York & Yorks NE) Supt Hugh Blenkin (Dur) PC Ronnie Lambert (Dur) Alec Francis (Dur) Alf Bowman (Dur) Ronnie Bright (Dur) Richard Hamshaw (York & Yorks NE)

Durham Police Cadets - Hardwick House - 1973
Hardwick House 1973
Back Row :  Brian Henderson (father of Jordan,) Stuart Brown, Jim Robinson, Neil Hobson, Keith Armstrong , Denny Pygall, Alan Sinden, Y&YNE?, Brian Rogers Y&YNE, Joe Baker, N’bria?
To the left hand side is Steve McLean and in front of him Paul Wood
Middle Row: Ian Hall, Y&YNE?, Brian Scott, N’bria?, Eric Robson (Junior Fireman), Keith Poulton, Alan Winn N’bria?, George Walker, N’bria?, Y&YNE?, Mike Connolly (N’bria)
Front Row: John Bianchi, Chris Hodgson, Geoff Rumford, Sgt PJ Smith, Supt Ray Basham, PC Ronnie Lambert, Gary Phillips, Dave Smith , Paul Murphy