
Wednesday 16 November 2011

One for our Ladies

Request from TV production company:

“Here at Topical Television was are in production on a series called 'Crime and Punishment'  looking at the changes in policing and prisons over the past 50 years . The series is for BBC 1 daytime and will transmit early next year.

One of the short films we are making for the series is on the History of Women in Policing within which we are looking to interview several retired female officers to tell their stories and share their career memories.  We are keen to have accounts from several different officers from throughout the last 50 years if possible. Maybe two friends that were in the force together or women who served at different levels of the force, PC'S through to Superintendents. Anyone who has a story to tell especially if it involves key moment or changes in policing over the last 50 years we would love to hear from them.” 

Sophie Dunn


Topical Television

61 Devonshire Rd


Hants. SO15 2GR

Tel: 02380 712233 / 07909946713