
Saturday 12 November 2011

Motor School Staff 1972

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Motor School Staff photo, c.1972, the move from Sedgefield to HQ<br />     Back Row,  Ted Barber, Alan Drake, Dick Hart ?, Barney Conlon, Graham Suddick, Vic Dunn, John Nixon, Peter Willis, Jock Little, Cec Melville, Fred McDonald, Johnny Waller, Norman Galloway, John Glendinning, Joe Millican, ?<br />     Front Row,  Cyril Pearson, Jock Murphy, Alan Miller MPO Sgt (later transferred to N’bria), Fred Anderson, Alf Charlton, Mary Lancaster, Tommy Lingwood, Dave Hodgson, Harry Lancaster
Motor School Staff photo, c.1972, the move from Sedgefield to HQ
     Back Row,  Ted Barber, Alan Drake, Dick Hart, Barney Conlon, Graham Suddick, Vic Dunn, John Nixon, Peter Willis, Jock Little, Cec Melville, Fred McDonald, Johnny Waller, Norman Galloway, John Dinning, Joe Millican, Arthur Morley
     Front Row,  Cyril Pickering, Jock Murphy, George Miller MPO Sgt (later transferred to N’bria), Fred Anderson, Alf Charlton, Mary Lancaster, Tommy Lingwood, Dave Hodgson, Harry Lancaster