
Thursday 23 June 2011

Abolishment of Disability Living Allowance

One from the secretary (Barry Crawford)
Hi All,
Please see below message from Disability Alliance, of which we are members.
I would be grateful if you would consider completing the survey, it literally takes less than a minute, this proposal will have a negative impact for some of our members.
Dear member/subscriber,
The Government plans to abolish DLA for working age disabled people (16-64 years of age) continue apace. The Welfare Reform Bill has now completed Commons stages.
Disability Alliance has used your previous input and our survey on DLA to express concerns to DWP about the potential impact of the Government plans. We believe many disabled people would be substantially disadvantaged as a result of Government proposals to reduce expenditure by over £2 billion and end low rate care DLA payments (which 652,000 disabled people currently receive). Disabled people and members have told us that the plans may cause higher use of NHS/council services for example. DWP have, to date, failed to address our concerns sadly.
Disability Alliance is now considering legal action to ensure DWP meets legitimate expectations in terms of DLA/PIP plans. We are very keen to know what our members/subscribers think of this proposed action to ensure we are not acting without a mandate.
Please tell us what you think by completing the very short survey online at:
Please do also circulate this request widely to other colleagues and users.
We are very grateful for your views and will ensure we let all members/subscribers know the outcome of this survey and any potential legal challenge.
Thanks and best wishes,
Ken Butler
Tax Credits, Benefits and Membership Advisor