
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC335 Joe Baker

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired PC 335 John George Baker, who is better known as Joe Baker from Durham, who died on the 25th June 2011 aged 55 years.
Mr Baker retired from Darlington in 1996 following 22 years service. He had previously served at HQ, Sedgefield, Spennymoor and Ferryhill.
He leaves a widow Mrs Gillian Baker.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Abolishment of Disability Living Allowance

One from the secretary (Barry Crawford)
Hi All,
Please see below message from Disability Alliance, of which we are members.
I would be grateful if you would consider completing the survey, it literally takes less than a minute, this proposal will have a negative impact for some of our members.
Dear member/subscriber,
The Government plans to abolish DLA for working age disabled people (16-64 years of age) continue apace. The Welfare Reform Bill has now completed Commons stages.
Disability Alliance has used your previous input and our survey on DLA to express concerns to DWP about the potential impact of the Government plans. We believe many disabled people would be substantially disadvantaged as a result of Government proposals to reduce expenditure by over £2 billion and end low rate care DLA payments (which 652,000 disabled people currently receive). Disabled people and members have told us that the plans may cause higher use of NHS/council services for example. DWP have, to date, failed to address our concerns sadly.
Disability Alliance is now considering legal action to ensure DWP meets legitimate expectations in terms of DLA/PIP plans. We are very keen to know what our members/subscribers think of this proposed action to ensure we are not acting without a mandate.
Please tell us what you think by completing the very short survey online at:
Please do also circulate this request widely to other colleagues and users.
We are very grateful for your views and will ensure we let all members/subscribers know the outcome of this survey and any potential legal challenge.
Thanks and best wishes,
Ken Butler
Tax Credits, Benefits and Membership Advisor

Retirees Reunion

Social Afternoon Sunday, 12th June, 2011 at H.Q. Aykley Heads, Durham
Last year, thanks to the combined efforts of Durham Constabulary Executive and their Staff working in close co-operation with the Durham NARPO Officers, Alan Watson, Barry & Angie Crawford and Colin Appleby, all pensioners were invited to attend  the first, spectacular combined social function where ALL police and Support Staff retirees were able to come together for a great social occasion (Read about it in our archives).
On Sunday, 12th June, 2011, the same winning team, working once again very closely with H.Q. Strategic Manager, Amanda Dodds and Amanda Wilson, prepared for a second and hopefully even more successful social afternoon.
A number of those who enjoyed the event last year, were absent, (mainly due to off peak holidays….). George Hedges was meanwhile not on holiday but doing a charity cycle ride from John O’ Groats to Lands End (ouch)!

The numbers were however once again swelled by many retirees who had learned of the previous success and decided to attend – all very welcome I assure you.

All we need now is for ALL retirees to get the message!

Thanks to the determined and enthusiastic cooperation of the Executive, ably led by Chief Constable Jon Stoddart -  
despite the severe financial constraints placed on the Force, (helped in no small way by  the financial input by Durham Branch of  NARPO), we were able to match our previous great day for pensioners. We should at this point acknowledge the many volunteers who selflessly extended their services to help make this a wonderful occasion – all too often such an immense volume of voluntary organisation is taken for granted
Durham Constabulary’s magnificent Band and equally prestigious Choir provided a great afternoon of music and song to over 250 attendees. The weather was a little more kind this time and NARPO, Durham Constabulary Archive, the Beamish Museum, Force HQ and The Blue Knights group all provided eye catching static displays.
A volunteer Force photographer captured parties as they came in and free photographs provided to fit into the very tastefully designed commemorative Programme of Event souvenir and a free draw for a beautifully iced and presented celebration cake made by Mrs. Swinburne..  A magnificent NARPO financed Raffle, organised by Tom Baxter and ‘the Crawford duo’ raised £305.00 which was generously donated to offset the costs of the “do”.
Traffic Department once again excelled themselves with an impressive display of the ‘state of the art’ Police cars and motor cycles (much to the delight of all those able enough to go downstairs and chat to the officers present. This year,  three  excellent Operational Presentation were made by D/Supt Neil Malkin (The Ricin Investigation); Murder Investigation by D/Supt Adrian Green and Organised Crime Groups by Inspector Dave Turner  were well attended. 
As you would expect from such a gathering, the constant chatter, back slapping and gleeful and genuinely pleasant reunions of retired colleagues (some even forfeiting their customary afternoon nap (only kidding folks…) gave an overall, magical atmosphere. To the organizers, it was a sense of great satisfaction to see so many people having such a great and enjoyable afternoon out.  Naturally, the refreshments on this occasion were a little more modest (typically noted by one or two of the more “optimistic souls” who attended…). Watch this space for next year’s event. Be there!  

If anybody has any photo’s from the event please can you send the images as jpg’s to and we will add them to this album

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC 977 Paul D Tulloch

It is with regret that we have to have to advise colleagues of the death of former PC 977 Paul D Tulloch who died on 7th June aged 52 years.

Paul joined Durham Constabulary as Cadet in January 1975 and was appointed as a Constable in January 1977.  He initially served at Derwentside and moved to Durham in 1980.  In 1985 he moved to Sherburn Section then joined the Dog Section in 1986 where he served until his retirement on 9th September 2004.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Who are the faces from West Midlands – Range Rover Course


An email came through to Alan Watson asking for information with regards to the above photo and in particular if anybody has contact with Jim Wilson :

“Hi Alan,

Back in the Peeler some time ago there was an piece written by Jim Wilson who left Durham and joined The West Midlands.  He mentioned about being posted to The Midland Links Motorway Police Group.  Back in 73/74 on the local amalgamations I went onto The Mid Links from Sutton Coldfield Traffic. I have attached a photograph that was taken during this time when we attended a Range Rover course at Lode Lane , Solihull.

I am 3rd from the right (what a smart young looking lad)

Also we had an Insp. from Durham who also transferred with the Durham lads and I think his name was Harry Ashworth. 
If at all possible can you forward on the attached picture to Jim Wilson he may know a few of the faces.

Regards - Tony Stainthorpe.”

If you can help out with any names etc please leave a comment or email us at

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC 981 Alan Charles Thompson

It is with regret that we have to announce the death of Ex PC 981 Alan Charles Thompson aged 58 years who died on 12th June 2011.
Alan left Durham Constabulary Communications in 2008 but many colleagues will recall Alan being a Dog Handler for many years. 
After 30 years service Alan served on the 30plus scheme and worked in Comms retiring in 2008.  He had previously served at Hartlepool, Darlington, Aycliffe, Sedgefield, West Auckland, Shildon and with the Dog Section.
A service will be held at 11.00 am on Tuesday 21st June 2011 at Wear Valley Crematorium (Coundon).  The funeral is not private and friends are welcome to attend the service.
Alan’s family have requested no flowers but donations in lieu can be made to the Intensive Care Unit at James Cook Hospital please.  There will be a plate for donations to the Intensive Care Unit at the Crematorium.
He leaves a wife, Leigh, son Christopher and a daughter Alex and daughter-in-law Emma.
Our thoughts are with Alan’s family at this sad time.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 23 Hugh Geddes

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Sgt 23 Hugh Geddes from Belmont, Durham, who died on the 04/06/2011 aged 84 years.
Mr Geddes retired from HQ in 1977 following 29 years service. He had previously served at Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle and Etherley.
Mr Geddes leaves a widow Dorothy.