
Wednesday 6 October 2010

Have you got yours yet?

BalloonRace1 Thousands of injured police officers are set to benefit from a balloon race with a difference; the difference being the fundraising event takes place online, rather than in the sky.

Every day police officers suffer injuries or experience serious illnesses. The Police Treatment Centres charity provides intensive physiotherapy and other services for these officers, and as a result many of them are able to return to work far sooner than expected. While this service is primarily funded by donations from police officers, additional funding is needed to meet the Charity’s running costs. To raise these vital funds, the Police Treatment Centres is holding a virtual balloon race in conjunction with

Balloons can be purchased for £5 each from and the unique nature of the event means the position of the balloons can be followed minute by minute on Google EarthTM. Prizes for the balloons which cover the greatest distance include a 37” full HD television and a 64 GB Ipod Touch.

Gemma Pettman, PR and Fundraising Manager for the Police Treatment Centres, said: “This is a really unique event that our supporters can get involved in from the comfort of their own homes; there’s no need to stand outside in the cold for this balloon race. This is the first time we have held an event like this and we hope to raise a significant amount of money to help us support the many police officers who need our help."

The virtual balloon race is an eco-friendly alternative to the more traditional balloon race which can result in harm to the wildlife population, particularly sea birds, if they try to eat real helium-filled balloons when they land back on the ground.

The closing date for race entrants is 29 October. Balloons not paid for by this date will not be entered into the race which gets underway on 5 November.