
Monday 9 August 2010

PLEASE READ. Have your say - Give Us Your Views for Conference in September.

Dear Colleague,


This years NARPO Conference at Torquay on the 10th September will feature a panel debate with questions from delegates focussed on the ‘Future of NARPO’. The panel of HMIC Bernard Hogan – Howe, Vice Chairman Police Federation Simon Reed, NARPO President Eric Evans and NARPO CEO Clint Elliott will respond.

Conference will be looking at every aspect of the organisation and asking ‘are we fit for purpose?’ Topics under discussion will include:

  • Is the current Branch structure suitable for the future? There are currently 111 Branches throughout England and Wales; some are more active than others. Some Branches respond to NARPO requests others do not.
  • Are we as efficient and financially sound as we should be? Maybe the amalgamation of Branches is not the answer but we need to look at ways of improving our effectiveness in providing a standardised level of service to all our members. Should we have larger hub branches covering, for example, a Force area that deals with all membership, financial and logistical matters, with smaller social and welfare groups sitting underneath it?
  • How do we attract volunteers to fulfil local branch functions? If we move to larger branches would it be appropriate to pay a salary to compensate for the demands that would be placed upon some roles.
  • Are our local welfare arrangements fit for purpose? How could they be improved?
  • How do we extend our membership base? There is evidence that  some Branches do not fully utilise the rules on membership and as a result potential members are missed simply because they haven’t served long enough to be a ‘full member’, when they could have joined as an ‘associate member’. Should the membership rules be relaxed?
  • Should we encourage police staff, community support officers, special constables and all former police employees to join NARPO?
  • Do we have sufficient representation on pre-retirement courses? Is the input we are giving relevant, up to date and delivered in the right style and by the right person? What other recruitment methods are appropriate
  • Image is important to prospective members and is the use of the word ‘retired’ still relevant? Many officers leave the police service and continue working in other employment – does the word ‘retired’ give them wrong impression? Would we be better using a different word? For example ‘former’ and should we consider changing the name of the organisation?
 It is hoped that delegates attending Conference will enter into the debate and that they will be honest and frank about their views.
Of the 111 branches that were asked to nominate, a staggering 31 branches will not have delegates at Conference, 11 branches declining to send any delegates with a further 20 failing to respond to the request at all!
We are anxious to get all views on this important matter and if you or your Branch is not being represented at Conference please send any questions for the panel or comments on the future to NARPO HQ. We will endeavour to put your questions to the panel on the 10th September.
If NARPO (or whatever we choose to call ourselves) is to survive through 2019 and the next 100 years, there will be many more questions, more changes and perhaps some pain, but it is vital that we all play our part now and take steps to ensure that however we approach the future it is done in best interest of current and future members and in a concerted manner.

Yours sincerely,
Clint Elliott QPM
Chief Executive Officer