
Wednesday 4 August 2010

Closure of Sports Complex Aykley Heads, Durham.

On behalf of the Chief Constable, Jon Stoddart, I regret to inform you that the Aykley Heads Sports Complex is to be permanently closed in the very near future.

I realise that many of our members will feel put out at the loss of this facility but with the stringent cuts imposed on the Police Budget for the ensuing year(s), drastic savings must be made!

Mr. Stoddart wishes it to be know that there are stark and obviously not very popular choices to be made. Cutting maintenance costs (i.e. imminent and essential extensive essential repairs to the Sports Complex) is a primary choice There will be many other reductions in service areas which may mitigate the necessity of in direct cuts to police and support staff personnel. Watch this space!

The most practical choices of cuts have been carefully costed, considered and instituted to minimise effects on the efficiency of the continuing fine service we to the public . I'm sure that you all have the interests of our Service at heart and will accept the cuts as outlined. If you have any queries, observations, suggestions or simply wanting to " rant", please forward your thoughts to the blog under 'comments' following this article.