
Wednesday 16 June 2010

Garden Party - a 'big' success...

The Garden Party took place on Sunday 13th June, as a result of the hard work put in by members of Durham NARPO's committee (shown above)  and was a resounding success.
After opening addresses by Chief Constable Jon Stoddart and NARPO Chairman, Alan Watson, the guests were treated to entertainment from the Constabulary choir & band, together with displays from the dog section, firearms unit and motorcycle section. There were many static displays to look at and some excellent food. A great afternoon's entertainment with a real 'family' feel to it, giving everybody the chance to  'catch up' with old friends and colleagues.
All the current Durham Executive, Heads of departments and members of the Police Committee,  were in attendance together with retired Chief Constable George Hedges, who returned 'home' from Oxford to Durham for the day....
 Ray Basham made the long journey from Scotland, Robin Dodd from Cyprus and Gordon Bacon even got his feet back on home soil, to be at the event.
Photo's will be uploaded onto the site soon, but the burning question most of us will want to know is, what is the date of next years event  ?? (please)
PS : and a little bit of sunshine /dry weather on the day as well :-)